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Alicia Marie, author of “The BOOTY Bible” and gaming media personality brings together embracing your body and letting your inner nerd free. Not only will you find Alicia Marie at the gym perfecting her physic but you'll find her playing video games and see her wearing Musotica's finest. A well known Cosplayer and fitness aficionado, Alicia Marie appreciates a good costume and work out outfit.
Alicia Marie “wowed” us all when she took a simple hooded wrap halter top and turned it into a Cosplay wonder, Mortal Combat has found a new style and we can thank Alicia Marie. It only goes to show your own creativity can create all kinds of sexy and interesting Cosplay and Halloween costumes.
We've seen our favorite Cosplayer in so many sexy and creative outfits from Musotica. We can't wait to see more. I think we can all learn from the ingenuity and confidence of Alicia Marie!